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Avengers #196

Avengers #196

Regular price $85.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $85.00 CAD
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Our product images are scans of front & back cover of the actual book we have in stock!

The Taskmaster captures Yellowjacket, Wasp, and Ant-Man, explaining his photographic reflexes and decision to train criminals instead of becoming a supervillain. He kills Dr. Solomon, whose mistakes exposed his school. Meanwhile, Iron Man notices ants signaling the Avengers, who storm the academy. Selbe frees the captive heroes, and a battle ensues. Taskmaster proves formidable but flees rather than fight the Avengers alone. Jocasta blocks his escape, but he blinds the team with a trick arrow and escapes. Captain America later acknowledges Jocasta’s contributions.

Key details:
- 1st full appearance of the Taskmaster

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