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New Avengers Vol.1 #1

New Avengers Vol.1 #1

Regular price $5.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 CAD
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Our product images are scans of front & back cover of the actual book we have in stock!

With the Avengers disbanded and other heroes occupied, a mysterious figure hires Electro for a major job. Matt Murdock, Luke Cage, and Foggy Nelson meet Jessica Drew at the Raft, a super-max prison. As they reach the bottom level, a citywide blackout occurs, followed by a lightning bolt hitting the Raft. Peter Parker sees the blackout and heads to the Raft, arriving with Captain America. Electro appears, frees his target, and releases all prisoners to cover their escape. Murdock pleads with his client, revealed to be the Sentry, to help them despite his voluntary imprisonment for killing his wife.

Key Details
- 1st app Queen Veranke disguised as Spider-Woman
- 1st cameo appearance of Pagon

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