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Strange Tales #126

Strange Tales #126

Regular price $150.00 CAD
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Our product images are scans of front & back cover of the actual book we have in stock!

The Puppet Master and Mad Thinker team up to use the Thing as a pawn to attack the Fantastic Four. When the Thing’s transformation back to human form severs the control, Johnny and Ben seek Reed’s help. Reed creates a device that reverses the Puppet Master's control, causing an explosion when the villain attempts to regain control of the Thing. The plot is foiled, and the Puppet Master and Mad Thinker are defeated.

Key Details:
- Dormammu, ruler of the Dark Dimension, makes his first appearance.
- Clea, who later becomes Doctor Strange's wife, makes her debut, though she remains unnamed.
- Doctor Strange uses the phrase "By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth" for the first time.

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