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Web of Spider-Man #32

Web of Spider-Man #32

Regular price $50.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 CAD
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Our product images are scans of front & back cover of the actual book we have in stock!

Peter Parker, trapped in a white void, confronts the deaths of loved ones, including Ned Leeds, and faces his own immortality as Spider-Man. Embracing his animal nature, Peter transforms into a spider but is mauled to death, realizing it symbolizes his coffin. He escapes the spider's body and emerges from Kraven's grave, enraged after learning he was buried for two weeks. Seeking Kraven, Peter finds his mansion destroyed and later reunites with Mary Jane. Despite her concerns, Peter leaves to confront Kraven and Vermin, following his sense of responsibility.

Key Details:
- Part 4 of the Kraven's Last Hunt story arc
- Iconic cover artwork by Mike Zeck

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