I don't think that it's a secret to the average comic reader that the MCU has taken some creative... "liberties" with its source material. Over the last few years I've had many conversations, with whomever would listen, where I would come up with these grand blueprints for how the movies should conclude and/or setup upcoming events. At least, according to my caveman brain. Please indulge me as I put my best Kevin Feige hat on, dear reader, for I am about to cook.
If it was left up to me, here is how I would move the MCU forward in a way that would honor the comic readers and reign the casual fans back in... all in one fell swoop.
In the Bobby Cinematic Universe, we keep the upcoming Deadpool 3 to further establish the Multiverse. In this film, we would leave the existing plot intact however we'd feature a post-credits scene that shows Deadpool meeting Loki just after the events of Loki season 3. In this scene, Deadpool and Loki would share a quippy exchange about how messed up the timeline had become, concluding with Loki sending Deadpool to the main, sacred timeline. Admiring his work and/or shaking his head in disbelief at Deadpool, Loki notices something odd with the timeline... It's almost as if a chunk of the sacred timeline from the past has been replaced despite his watchful eye. A new, or different, timeline has been spliced in somehow. He peers into the past and we see him gazing with curiosity upon Reed Richards (Pedro Pascal) and the rest of the Fantastic Four at the very moment they gain their powers: hurtling into a gamma radiation storm aboard a spaceship. End scene, roll credits.

The moment the FF gained their abilities
With this idea we would get to quickly go over the origin story of the Fantastic Four during Deadpool- a movie that will probably do at least $1bil at the box office. This ensures that we won't have to waste a bunch of time during the upcoming Fantastic Four film going over their origin for a third time. The FF film can hit the ground running as its average viewer will already have some familiarity with the characters. This is where the fun really starts.
During the Fantastic Four film (2025), I suggest we setup 4 things: Galactus as the film's main villain, Silver Surfer, Doctor Doom in the post credits scene, and one other "mysterious" entity. The current rumor is that the MCU FF film will be set in the 1960s. My suggested premise of this film would be that the FF narrowly prevent disaster by (surprise!) saving Earth from Galactus. Maybe we get some cameos from the Eternals, who knows? Either way, we're left with the impression that Galactus will return one day. From there, I would have the post credits scene go something like this:
We're witnessing Loki and Deadpool in another goofy conversation, but it's cut short again. Deadpool is seemingly killed mid-sentence by one Victor Von Doom. Showing up at the center of the multiverse/Yggdrasil where Loki now resides, a foreboding conversation ensues. We watch as Doom convinces Loki that he has a plan to fix everything; to fix the timeline once and for all, relieving Loki of his watch over the timeline(s). He tells Loki that everything which has led to this point are due to the designs of someone so powerful that most mortals could never comprehend it. He says something like, "This power is just... Beyond what you can possibly fathom." Loki agrees to work with Doom and we're left with a sense of dread as to what these two will get up to. If you've read the 2015 Secret Wars comic event, you might see where I'm going with this. Loki, in the BCU, would essentially fulfill the role of Molecule Man. As the scene ends, we see Loki and Doom looking at a branched timeline where we can faintly make out an older, bearded Ioan Gruffudd as Reed Richards, Jessica Alba as Sue Storm, Chris Evans as Johnny Storm, and Michael Chiklis as Ben Grimm. But how? The Fox universe was presumably destroyed during the events of Deadpool 3!

And... that's where I'd end FF. On a big cliffhanger, with callbacks to a bunch of stuff while still moving the needle forward. With this harebrained scheme we get to establish Doctor Doom as (seemingly) a villain. We keep Loki relevant and his station as "God of Stories" is now worth something more than a book-end to a Disney+ series. Most of all, we have a huge fan service moment by showing the Fox FF at the end. We ALSO drop a major hint regarding The Beyonder(s), whose machinations lead to the Secret Wars in the first place! In the BCU we would inevitably see another character arise as a "big bad" villain for Secret Wars -- The Maker... who would be played by Miles Teller. DUN DUN DUN! But that's a tale for another time.
All of the pieces are laying around here to breathe some life back into the MCU. Leave me a comment below if you think that the BCU could save the MCU!
And... Kevin Feige? I'm just a call away!