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Iron Man #128

Iron Man #128

Regular price $75.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $75.00 CAD
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Our product images are scans of front & back cover of the actual book we have in stock!

Tony Stark, struggling with his chaotic life, contemplates abandoning his civilian identity and focusing solely on being Iron Man. After a series of mishaps, including accidentally causing a gas leak, Tony is confronted by Bethany Cabe, who helps him battle his alcoholism, recounting her own loss. Over time, Stark reconciles with Edwin Jarvis and tries to regain Jarvis' stock in Stark Industries, but learns it was sold. After confronting the loan officer, Tony nearly relapses but decides against it, with Bethany and Jarvis supporting his decision to quit drinking.

Key Details:
- Legendary cover art by Bob Layton
- Part 9 of the "Demon in a Bottle" story arc

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