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New Avengers Vol.1 #15

New Avengers Vol.1 #15

Regular price $3.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $3.00 CAD
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Carol Danvers oversees Ulysses Klaw's prison transfer and discovers she can absorb his energy, trapping him. In New York, she discusses with Captain America her feelings about the House of M incident and her desire to be a better hero. Cap reassures her. During the New Avengers' public unveiling, tensions arise: Wolverine refuses to appear, and Luke Cage is apprehensive. Spider-Man worries about his bad press, but J. Jonah Jameson offers exclusive coverage in exchange for leniency. Despite Cap’s speech, the Daily Bugle publishes a scathing article. Spider-Woman meets Connelly, confirming her link to Madame Hydra and Fury’s plans against HYDRA.

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