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Uncanny X-Men #164

Uncanny X-Men #164

Regular price $40.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 CAD
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Our product images are scans of front & back cover of the actual book we have in stock!

The X-Men aboard the Z'Reee Shar are under fire from Brood warcraft while fleeing Sleazeworld. Wolverine realizes they carry Brood embryos, and the Brood won't kill them. Kitty goes on a spacewalk to repair the ship, while Carol Danvers unleashes new powers to fight off the Brood. Meanwhile, Professor X struggles with despair, believing the X-Men are dead. Carol repairs the warp drive, but Colossus’s invitation to join the X-Men is declined. Storm discovers life growing inside her, and Carol’s Binary powers trigger explosive decompression aboard the ship when she blasts off without opening the hatch.

Key details:
- First appearance of Binary, a transformed version of Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers)

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